We proudly present the closed gondola of the RL33-de Luxe.
24 of this closed gondola can hang in the RL33-deluxe.
This has transformed the RL33 into an all-weather variant!

We proudly present the closed gondola of the RL33-de Luxe.
24 of this closed gondola can hang in the RL33-deluxe.
This has transformed the RL33 into an all-weather variant!
will be exhibiting at the 2022 ISSA TRADE SHOW
in Gibsonton, FL USA
from 15-18 February
Please come and visit us in our booth
Give us a call if you’re interested in a private meeting
(+31 596 566319)
We can tell you all about our
NEW trailer mounted
RL43 with closed gondolas
….and of course about our other Ferris Wheels with many possibilities,
such as
the RL22, RL33, RL46, and higher….
Schowman Hofmann-Jehn’s modified RL33 is ready and is therefore now going to Germany.
It has become a beautiful Ferris wheel of 33 meters with not only 24 open gondolas, but with many custom options. The modified floor is made of Lunawood composite. Even the fences are specially designed and give the Ferris wheel therefore a luxurious look, as well as the customized canopy in the form of 3 arches with LED lighting above the entrance. Our Ferris wheels can be customized and painted in any desired RAL colour. A chic brown color has been chosen for this Ferris wheel.
The customized back wall, ticket booth and control room are stickered by “Studio Alex Pijl”.
The custom cash register is made by “JHW Designs. The ticket booth is equipped with electrically operated shutters and air conditioning for a pleasant temperature. Since the custom drawers have programmable locks, they are safe to use as cash drawers.
About JHW designs: JHW Designs is a family business with many years of experience, the company has continuously grown and is looking for ways to expand. They are designers and manufacturers of catering units, token kiosks/payment boxes, portable toilets, portable showers, portable kiosks and specialty units.
The music installation comes from “Hofman Sound Systems” and makes the whole into a beautifully customized Ferris wheel.
Thanks to our own Research & Development and our own production facilities, Hofman PA systems have a very high quality level.
In addition to a very complete standard range of active and passive speaker systems, Hofman Pro Audio also offers customized solutions for those places where standard products fall short.
Hofman sound installations now play in Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, England, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Israel and Australia.
Schausteller H.P. Maier en Jan Lamberink tekenden afgelopen weekend het contract voor een nieuw Lamberink reuzenrad.
De familie Lamberink en het Lamberink-team feliciteren H.P. Maier van harte met nog een Lamberink reuzenrad.
De andere op maat gemaakte reuzenrad die reeds in het bezit is van de Schausteller is sinds enkele maanden in Zwitserland in gebruik.
Op de foto: voor het reuzenrad in Zwitserland: showman H.P. Maier met Jan Lamberink en Kokkie Kroon.
The Customized RL33 from Showman Hofmann-Jehn
is ready and is now going to Germany.
It has become a magnificent 33-meter Ferris wheel
with 24 open gondolas.
The modified floor is made from Lunawood composite.
The fences are specially designed and display the Ferris wheel
a luxurious look, as well as the customized canopy in the form of 3 arches
with LED lighting above the entrance.
Our Ferris wheels can be painted in any desired RAL color.
A chic brown color has been chosen for this Ferris wheel.
The customized back wall, ticket booth and control room are stickered by “Studio Alex Pijl”.
The custom cash register is made
by “JHW Designs” and is equipped with electrically operated shutters, and air conditioning.
The drawers are fitted with programmable locks.
The music system comes from “Hofman Sound Systems”.
Showman Hofmann-Jehn en Lamberink Reuzenradbouw zijn op 16 november 2020 de overeenkomst aangegaan voor de bouw van een nieuw Lamberink reuzenrad.
De aanloop naar de uiteindelijke koop is op een bijzonder plezierige manier verlopen,
Daarvoor willen wij de firma Hofmann-Jehn dan ook hartelijk willen bedanken.
Natuurlijk ook de felicitaties voor de aankoop van hun nieuwe Lamberink RL33 reuzenrad.
De familie Hofmann-Jehn heeft een bezoek aan de fabriek in Overschild gebracht.
Op de foto: de familie Hofmann-Jehn in het midden, met links Sebastiaan Lamberink en rechts Jan Lamberink